Qi Projection Live in a 2012 Neigong Workshop

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Transformation or Empowerment?

I haven't updated this blog in a while so I thought I would take the time to post something that I was discussing with a student.
The question was what is the single most important thing I do for people attending my workshops. The students attending get many benefits. First, they learn a powerful neigong form as well as qigong movements that will give them benefit the rest of their lives. The result of practice of these forms is truly awesome in each person's own awakening process. The result is a raising of their own energy body vibration rate which extends awareness by a large factor. It also burns through "filters" that we have created thoughout our life, helping us to see "that which is real". It also helps keep our bodies healthy so we do not have as many sick days and so we recover faster if we do get sick.

But what is the single most important thing? As I was discussing this subject what came to my mind was empowerment of each person for themselves with a calmness and confidence to tackle their everyday lives.

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