Qi Projection Live in a 2012 Neigong Workshop

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Only 3 Things Needed!

I would like to comment on the apparent misunderstanding of the 3 things needed in order to progress.

1) Be a good & moral person

It seems many have a problem with the word "moral". And I am sure one reason this is so is due to religious connotations from religions that wish to control others. However, it does seem a bit odd to me that most would object to the word and it leads me to wonder just where everyone is coming from. Do you not wish to do the "right thing", in harmony with Tao, at any given moment? THIS is what I mean by 1) BE a good & moral person.

To explain further, one can look at it like this: "Moral" means reaching a level of connection & harmony with one's true self - not the intellectual brain oriented thinking, but the part of us that actually ALWAYS knows the right thing to do in any moment. 
Therefore it is very simple to be a good & moral person. All one has to do is reach the level of truly understanding and interacting in harmony with one's true self, then dance in the Wu Wei so that one's true self is acting in harmony with the moment by moment changes in the universe and the related energy flow. Then every choice is "moral" at any given moment. 

Simple, eh? Yes it is. HOWEVER (of course there is a "gotcha"), simple does not mean easy.

If it is not easy, how does one go about it?
I was taught that before we can actually disassociate from mind chatter which is a part of the great computer that has become "master" while our true self is given back burner as a slave of this lifetime, we have to first clean up our act. That is, the energy body must reach a vibrational level that is beyond the mental contamination of this world. And we do that by practicing High Level Qigong which has as one of its main goals the goal of raising the energy body vibrational frequency.

Of course it is called gungfu for a reason. It does take the time & effort, which many are unwilling to do. 

2) Practice Your Qigong
I do believe the explanation is taken care of in the above paragraph. Plus we get all sorts of amazing side-effects like we don't get as sick as before we practiced and we can tap into healing energetics to help others.

3) Calmness
Calmness is extremely important since we lose our connection/harmony with our true self when we are not calm. When we practice our qigong we calm others due to the nature of the field (one can look at is as "magnetic induction if they wish). HOWEVER (another "gotcha", in a way) when we are not calm we effect others negatively. I say "in a way" because if we actually practice the high level qigong which induces calmness in itself, all it takes is simple reminders to remain calm up until a point that the common aspect IS calmness. But due to human emotion we do need to remind ourselves if we get off tract.

I propose that if everyone practiced these 3 things that eventually this world would be much more in harmony and everyone in it would be much more in harmony with others. Wars would end. Peace would be upon us. Creative energetics would flow unimpeded.

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